Direct ways to support defenders of Ukraine

Dear friends and players of Airapport games! As you know, we live in Ukraine. Our country withstands a lasting unprovoked aggression from Russia, one of the states which guaranteed Ukraine's safety according to nuclear disarmament memorandum of 1994.

Every night hordes of Russian drones are launched to strike Ukrainian civil infrastructure and we hear the sounds of air raid alert. The frontline assaults are going on with an aim to ultimately capture our whole country.

Ukrainian defenders are capable to protect us and let us keep our activities: working, teaching, developing games. And we are incredibly thankful to all of you, our friends from the whole world, who support Ukraine and our freedom.

In the current situation it is a matter of life importance to keep and even increase the help which will directly empower the ability of Ukrainian defense forces to protect us all. Here we list the funds which provide vital supplies right to them.

O-Pocket: - this is an initiative of our gamedev friends from Kharkiv, one of  the cities which suffered the most during the full-scale invasion. On Feb 24 2022 they, like many people in Ukraine, were woken up by explosions. And they started bringing food, medicals, powerbanks to the city defenders, and they have been doing so for over 3 years now.

Gamedev under Bombs: - the organizers of Games Gathering, biggest Ukrainian conference in game development, launched this charity activity to help those our colleagues from the Ukrainian gamedev industry who have suffered as a result of warfare

Come Back Alive: - this fund has been active since the beginning of capturing Crimea and the start of hybrid Russian warfare against Ukraine in 2014. 

UNITED24: - the initiative of Ukrainian President to unite those who would like to support Ukrainian defense, humanitarian demining, medical aid, rebuilding activities as well as education and science

Thank you! You help saves lives!

Idle Tower Builder 1.7: TODO tasks, characters and HTML5 version

Our Idle Tower Builder has received a significant update v.1.7

To make the interaction with the game messages more immersive set of hand-drawn game characters were added into the game. Like all the rest of the game content, characters were drawn manually, without any use of generative AI.

r/incremental_games - Idle Tower Builder characters
Idle Tower Builder characters

To keep the player busy while the new tower floor is being completed the TODO system was introduced. You'll receive tasks, for example, to gather a required amount of resource or to upgrade a facility, and the n you'll receive a reward for the task completion. The reward can be a bulk sum of coins, science or rubies, or a timed bonus which increases a certain game parameter by 4 times.

r/incremental_games - TODO list
TODO list

And, finally, the game has full HTML5 support!

Regarding this, our Idle Tower Builder has interesting story. First it was made as Babel Tower for web using Javascript/Phaser, then for mobile and PC release the code was rewritten into cross-platform Action Script 3 with AIR/Starling support. In terms of game features those versions went well ahead from the HTML5 one: the mobile tower had 30 floors of content whereas the web tower only 16.

r/incremental_games - Current victory screen
Current victory screen

As the players were still able to find the outdated HTML5 version and asked for updates, I wrote a Python script to convert my AS3 code back to JS and make the HTML5 version consistent to the Mobile and PC. 

So, Idle Tower Builder goes fully cross-platform! And all the game versions are now compatible: you can play on one platform, export your game save and load it on another one. Also the bonus codes which I post on Discord can be activated anywhere. And when the mobile version receives new features, HTML5 will gain them, too.

Now the HTML5 version can be found on and eventually I will update the game versions on other website.

PC Windows and Linux builds are on Itch:

Android version on Google Play:

iOS version on AppStore:

Thank you for playing! Your comments and suggestions give me inspiration! :)

One Plus Two = 3: test our newest puzzle game!

 We start open beta testing of a puzzle game named One Plus Two = 3

In this game you will use letters to make numbers. For example, how would you get number 8 using the given set of letters?

Please, test the game on your mobile device and share your impressions 

Technology tree for Farm and Mine

We made a big image with all the 57 inventions which exist in Farm and Mine v.1.4.4

The connections go from up to down. The numbers near some of the connection show the required level of the previous invention to unlock the next one (i.e. Banking requires Economy lvl.2)

Clicking on the image will get a full version. Have fun!

The game is available on 

Google Play (Android):

AppStore (iOS):

Itch (Windows and Linux):

Poki (Web):

You are welcome to our Discord:

New big content update of Farm and Mine. Ice-cream, Marketing and Skyscrapers

 Our Farm and Mine is an incremental idle resource manager focsued on the production chains automation.

The very first game version was created at Ludum Dare, then released on PocketGamer Launchpad. For now it has been live for 3 years already and yesterday we released the next content update. It's based mainly on the feedback we receive for our posts here, in r/incremental_games, and also in our Discord community.

In the previous version the players faced three main inconveniences. 

1. The Refrigerator produced way too much ice to be used by the Lemonade maker. Also, after upgrading the White Cat, the milk produced by the Cow was also in abundance. So, a natural solution came - to use milk, ice and sugar to produce ice-cream! Also, this content addition aligns with the current extremely hot summer.

2. As the line of the houses grew longer, it took the transporting cart longer and longer to deliver resources to the construction site. And the players who played Idle Tower Builder suggested that we integrate the engine elements from that game into Farm and Mine. So, the construction crane was added, with own transporter cart. After its invention the player can expand the houses and gain more living places.

3. Most of the sellers' upgrades had the effect of increasing the selling price. Only the vegetable, milk and grocery sellers increased the selling quantities. And many resources tended to stockpile. So, we added Marketing invention, which is multi-leveled. With every level this invention increases the amounts of simultaneously sold goods.

Also there are several convenience/rebalansing updates. For example, now it's possible to redistribute prestige points in batches of 10, 100 or 1000. Also the prices of the goods in the Grocery were increased. And the requirements for building the initial houses are reduced to let the new players get into the game easier.

Another big addition is the Tasks system. Once in a while the player will be given a task, like "Produce 1000 Perfume". Performing this task will give resources: money, idea or prestige.

The game is available on 

Google Play (Android):

AppStore (iOS):

Itch (Windows and Linux):

Poki (Web):

Feel free to share your impressions and suggestions. 

You are welcome to our Discord:

Will you nominate Airapport as the Best Indie Developer?

Mobile Games Awards

The prestigious Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards opens its nomination phase! Time frame considered in the nominations is January 2023-June 2024. 

Within this timeframe, as we recall, many of you enjoyed our Idle Tower Builder, Farm and Mine, Engineer Millionaire, Steampunk Idle Spinner, Transmutation and other games. We released content updates. launched streaming marathons, integrated your ideas into the games.

If you enjoy our games, please, nominate us for this prestigious award - simply open the Nominations form, select Best Indie Developer on the left, and enter our studio name: Airapport, your thoughts on our games and a link to our website or to the game you liked the most.

The People's Choice voting is now open, too! Please, submit an individual game by Airapport which you like to play, as you People's Choice nomination!

Your support gives us inspiration for new ideas and updates! Thank you so much!

Farm and Mine goes fully cross-platform!

Dear players! Up to now you could play Farm and Mine on Android, iOS, Windows and Linux. And now we can announce the global launch of Farm and Mine web version!!! You can play Farm and Mine on Poki from any device, too! And the web version is fully compatible with the mobile and PC ones, and it is going to receive content updates together with them.

Also the save files and the bonus codes are compatible to all the versions! Feel free to use these ones to activate the timed bonuses which will speed up your progression:

  • EUZUMQO: Time speed x10 (2:00) 
  • EPHP7UI: Clicks x10 (1:00) 
  • EO6MWON: Transport x2 (12hour 0m)

Here is what to expect in Farm and Mine:
  • Over 60 facilities which produce resources, convert them, sell, or provide new game aspects;
  • Integrated autoclicker: just click on the facility which you want to boost and the autoclicker will do the job for you;
  • Unlimited offline time: having made sure you automated the production chains, you can leave your farm to return later and see how much did your citizens produce;
  • Interlocked resource branches: agriculture, industry and population, each one depends and empowers the other;
  • Elaborate prestige system which allows you to select which aspect of the game boost the most (and you can change your mind and try a different strategy on the next run);
  • Human-drawn buildings and characters who work everywhere in your growing city;
The current game rating on various platforms is around 4.4 - 4.8 after thousands reviews, so we hope you will enjoy the idle farming and resource mining, too. Have fun!


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